Pentecost Sunday - Holy Spirit would come and dwell within us as a believer.

Holy Spirit - the third Person of the Trinity

For weeks now, we have been engaged in social distancing and, in some cases, self-quarantining. We want to assure you Filipino Canadian Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities (FCCCPC) care very much for one another, and we care the same for you. We're in all of this together, so let's do our best to remember that word: together. FCCCPC is a family. We want you to know how much we care about you. When you let us know about what you're going through, we share that with one another, and we remember that before the Lord.
These last several weeks, we would like to present how to activate the Holy Spirit within you. May those inspired words from God's Word bring you fresh hope, renewed stability, and a calming reassurance during these challenging days. Thank you for remaining a part of our Filipino Canadian Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities (FCCCPC). Let's not allow any of the current situations to change any of that. Let's stay in touch. We want to be in touch with you, and we look forward to your staying in touch with us.

Activating The Greatest Gifts of the Holy Spirit - A Study Journal

Part 1 - The best kept secret

Part 2 - Recieving the power of the Holy Spirit

Part 3 - Trust on the Lord (Believe the power)

Part 4 - Expectant faith (Believe and see)

Part 5 - The Holy Spirit intercedes for us

Part 6 - You are the Miracle (Revelation of the Holy Spirit)