To learn more on the talk during the Kerygma Grand Feast Canada - (a brilliant short movies you can watch in one go ) - Level of Rest in Coming Home by Bro. Don Quilao

Activating the greatest gifts of the Holy Spirit - A Study Journal

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Pentecost Sunday - Holy Spirit would come and dwell within us as a believer

For weeks now, we have been engaged in social distancing and, in some cases, self-quarantining. We want to assure you Filipino Canadian Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities (FCCCPC) care very much for one another, and we care the same for you."
We're in all of this together, so let's do our best to remember that word: together. FCCCPC is a family. We want you to know how much we care about you. When you let us know about what you're going through, we share that with one another, and we remember that before the Lord.
These last several weeks, we would like to present how to activate the Holy Spirit within you. May those inspired words from God's Word bring you fresh hope, renewed stability, and a calming reassurance during these challenging days. Thank you for remaining a part of our Filipino Canadian Catholic Charismatic Prayer Communities (FCCCPC). Let's not allow any of the current situations to change any of that. Let's stay in touch. We want to be in touch with you, and we look forward to your staying in touch with us.

To learn more on the talk (a brilliant short movies you can watch in one go ) - Holy Spirit would come and dwell within us as a believer by Bro. Don Quilao

Renewal of Commitment - A Study Journal

No matter how challenging times may come or how far away we may be from other societies, even our own communities members, those who felt Christ are never alone. Together, we're working people in desperation to discover this truth every day. After the series of video on Obedience a Christian Virtue - An Essential Part of the Christian Life. It is a sacred attitude to do to renew our commitment to God. It is by reviving our entire body, soul, mind, and strength through the listening and reading of His words. We must regularly express on God's word to ensure that we are seeking the road of life. God refers to us through His Holy Spirit and His written word. Reading and listening to God's word reminds us of what God expects of us, but it also helps renew our commitment to pledge to meditate His word in the bible.

To learn more on the talk The Power of Praise and Exultation - A Study Journal- Renewal of Commitment - Study with me from the talk of Bro. Don Quilao (brilliant short videos you can watch in one go )
Please visit us on our Facebook page for more spiritual nourishment bring hope to in these uncertain times

Growing in the Power of Christ - A Study Journal

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We usually put in too much energy disguising our weaknesses to gain the approval of others. Bro. Don Quilao encourages us to let the truth shine through! And his answer may surprise you. Some people call for us to look at the world through rose-coloured glasses. Bro. Don illustrates what it would be like to see life instead through faith-filled glasses. As we grow with God and reading His words, His ways, it let us move on to focus which one we should steer our thoughts. Walking with God and reading His Word helps us to find out His ways and think like Jesus Christ? Grinding away at a task - or a relationship - that doesn't seem to yield the desired results? He gets just the messages you desire to hear to keep working on it in this present's Video Insight.

To learn more on the talk on - Growing in the Power of Christ - A Study Journal - Study with me from the talk of Bro. Don Quilao (brilliant short videos you can watch in one go).